Cyber4Industry, the industrial digital safety solution

Cyber4Industry, the industrial digital safety solution

Let’s be clear: today, the world of OT (Operational Technology) is almost entirely linked to IT’s.

For more than 15 years, MCG (Matias Consulting Group) has embarked on the architecture and implementation of security solutions related to Operational Technology, giving rise to several successful projects...


Cyber4Industry : Different disciplines, but common language!

MCG and its partner AgiNtech have joined forces from the worlds of IT and OT to offer a production line that is resistant to cyber attacks. Different disciplines, but common language!

In this era of Industry 4.0, and with the increased connectivity of your industrial production facilities and tools, bringing together the worlds of IT and OT is a major challenge. In 2021, cyberattacks targeting the industrial world increased by 300%: it then seemed essential to allow IT and OT teams to speak a common language, despite the complexity and technicality of their respective skills.

For MCG, bringing together IT and OT had multiple objectives:

- Amplify the movement to secure the industrial sector;

- Provide a homogeneous and structured solution;

- While making sure to keep an understandable language.

Therefore, in order to optimize the production processes of its customers, MCG has entered into a privileged partnership agreement with AginTech, a company specialized in the implementation of integration solutions in electricity, automation, robotics and industrial computing (MoM/MES), networks, CCTV and cybersecurity.

This is how the Cyber4Industry project was born.

From now on, companies with industrial production will be able to turn into a single reliable partner for all their production cybersecurity needs.

Cyber4Industry: You produce, we protect

The objective of Cyber4Industry : to offer cybersecurity adapted to the specific needs of your production tools. Because each industrial site is unique, cybersecurity solutions must take into account their infrastructure network, and their own OT and IT technologies.

Thus, in order to allow you to focus exclusively on your core business, production, we exercise ours, protection, by adapting to the ecosystem of your industry. 

Cyber4Industry's 30 years of combined expertise (MCG and AgiNtech) in industrial automation and cybersecurity allow us to ensure a precise understanding of the field, and thus to offer you targeted, fast, but above all effective solutions.

Continuous protection for non-stop production

To guarantee you an optimal production flow, Cyber4Industry intervenes at each stage of your operational network. The solution revolves around 5 main axes:

 - Identify risks and threats, internal or external

 - Prevent attacks before they happen by strengthening your defenses

 - Detect the slightest anomaly immediately in your production flow

 - Respond to the threat and limit its impact, without disrupting your business

 - Restore your infrastructures and resources for an optimal fast and secure flow

Whatever the complexity of your sector or the size of your infrastructures, Cyber4Industry protects you in a precise and adapted way. 

In complete confidence, in complete serenity, and above all, in complete Security.

Cyber4Industry, the industrial digital safety solution

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